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Azure Databricks Course Content

Category : Trainings Course Content | Sub Category : Trainings Course Content | By Runner Dev Last updated: 2023-12-05 14:09:28 Viewed : 228

Azure Databricks course involves covering various aspects of the service, which is a fast, easy, and collaborative Apache Spark-based analytics platform. Below is a suggested outline for an Azure Databricks course:

Module 1: Introduction to Azure Databricks

  1. Overview of Azure Databricks

    • Introduction to Apache Spark
    • Key features and benefits of Azure Databricks
  2. Use Cases and Scenarios

    • Real-world examples of data analytics and machine learning scenarios
    • Understanding when to use Azure Databricks
  3. Getting Started with Azure Databricks

    • Setting up an Azure Databricks workspace
    • Basic navigation and workspace configuration

Module 2: Apache Spark Fundamentals

  1. Introduction to Apache Spark

    • Overview of Spark architecture
    • RDDs (Resilient Distributed Datasets) and DataFrames
  2. Spark SQL and DataFrames

    • Querying structured data with Spark SQL
    • Performing transformations using DataFrames

Module 3: Data Preparation and ETL with Databricks

  1. Data Import and Export

    • Connecting to various data sources
    • Exporting data to different storage solutions
  2. ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) Processes

    • Building ETL workflows with Databricks notebooks
    • Handling schema evolution and data cleansing

Module 4: Databricks Notebooks and Collaboration

  1. Databricks Notebooks Overview

    • Creating and managing notebooks
    • Working with different cell types (code, text, and visualizations)
  2. Collaboration and Version Control

    • Collaborating with team members
    • Version control and sharing notebooks

Module 5: Data Exploration and Visualization

  1. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

    • Using Databricks for data exploration
    • Visualizing data with built-in tools
  2. Integrating with Power BI and Other BI Tools

    • Connecting Databricks to Power BI
    • Visualizing Databricks data in external BI tools

Module 6: Advanced Spark Concepts

  1. Spark Performance Tuning

    • Understanding and optimizing Spark jobs
    • Caching and persistence in Spark
  2. Streaming Analytics with Spark Structured Streaming

    • Introduction to real-time data processing
    • Building streaming pipelines with Spark

Module 7: Machine Learning with Databricks

  1. Introduction to MLlib

    • Overview of the machine learning library in Spark
    • Building machine learning models with Databricks
  2. Model Deployment and Integration

    • Deploying models in Databricks
    • Integrating Databricks models with other applications

Module 8: Security and Access Control

  1. Identity and Access Management (IAM)

    • Managing access to Databricks resources
    • Integrating with Azure Active Directory
  2. Data Encryption and Security Best Practices

    • Encrypting data at rest and in transit
    • Implementing security best practices in Databricks

Module 9: Databricks Jobs and Automation

  1. Databricks Jobs Overview

    • Creating and managing jobs in Databricks
    • Scheduling and automating workflows
  2. Integration with Azure Data Factory

    • Using Databricks as a compute target in Azure Data Factory
    • Orchestrating end-to-end workflows

Module 10: Case Studies and Real-world Projects

  1. Industry-specific Use Cases

    • Healthcare, finance, retail, etc.
    • Real-world scenarios and solutions
  2. Hands-on Projects

    • Participants work on practical projects to apply the concepts learned

Additional Resources and Best Practices

  1. Best Practices for Performance Optimization

    • Optimizing Databricks performance for large-scale data processing
    • Troubleshooting common issues
  2. Community and Learning Resources

    • Engaging with the Databricks community
    • Further learning and certification paths

This course structure can be adjusted based on the audiences skill level, and hands-on labs and projects should be incorporated to reinforce learning through practical application. Additionally, the content should be kept up-to-date with the latest features and updates from Azure Databricks.

Azure Databricks is a powerful analytics and machine learning platform built on Apache Spark. It is designed to be accessible to a wide range of users with varying levels of expertise in data engineering, data science, and analytics. Here are some groups of individuals who can benefit from learning Azure Databricks:

  1. Data Engineers:

    • Data engineers responsible for building and maintaining data pipelines, ETL processes, and data integration can leverage Azure Databricks for scalable and efficient data processing.
  2. Data Scientists:

    • Data scientists can use Azure Databricks for advanced analytics and machine learning. It provides a collaborative environment for data exploration, model development, and deployment.
  3. Business Analysts:

    • Business analysts who need to perform data analysis, create visualizations, and derive insights from data can use Azure Databricks to explore and analyze large datasets.
  4. Data Analysts:

    • Data analysts working with structured and semi-structured data can benefit from Azure Databricks for data preparation, exploration, and analysis.
  5. BI Professionals:

    • Business Intelligence (BI) professionals can use Azure Databricks to perform advanced analytics and create reports and dashboards by integrating Databricks with BI tools like Power BI.
  6. Data Architects:

    • Data architects responsible for designing and implementing data architectures can incorporate Azure Databricks into their solutions for scalable and efficient data processing.
  7. Developers:

    • Developers working on applications that require large-scale data processing, analytics, or machine learning can learn Azure Databricks to integrate these capabilities into their applications.
  8. Data and Analytics Consultants:

    • Consultants specializing in data and analytics services can enhance their offerings by incorporating Azure Databricks into their solutions.
  9. IT Professionals:

    • IT professionals involved in managing and maintaining data infrastructure can benefit from understanding how Azure Databricks fits into a broader data management strategy.
  10. Students and Learners:

    • Students and individuals learning about data engineering, data science, and cloud computing can gain valuable skills by learning Azure Databricks.
  11. Machine Learning Engineers:

    • Engineers working on machine learning projects can use Azure Databricks to build, train, and deploy machine learning models at scale.
  12. Big Data Professionals:

    • Professionals working with big data technologies, such as Apache Spark, can extend their skills by using Azure Databricks as a cloud-based platform for big data analytics.

It is important to note that while Azure Databricks is a powerful tool, users with different backgrounds may focus on different aspects of the platform. For instance, data engineers might emphasize ETL processes, while data scientists might focus on machine learning capabilities. Microsoft provides documentation, tutorials, and learning paths to help users get started with Azure Databricks, regardless of their background and expertise level.

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